One more time:
Having commented for several months on some of the blogs in this area, I’ve finally got a blogsite of my own. Before I was directed by a link to these blogs, I didn’t know that web logs existed. And certainly not in the numbers I’ve seen.
I find them fascinating. I’ve especially been held captive by all the comings and goings of many of you. It seemed over the summer that most of you were quite happy where you were and then in a matter of a few days, there were rumblings of movement. Many going back to school and others off to foreign lands. And then all of the weddings, perhaps the biggest step of all. I wish for all of you fond memories of these years, years that will quickly lead to the place where you will make a permanent home. I do enjoy and am amused by many of the writings. They remind me of my life some 30 odd years ago and memories I thought were forgotten are resurfacing. Most are pleasant reminders although there are a few I wish had remained buried. But, my gratefulness in still being able to remember moments I thought were forever gone overrules the need to rebury those few. Will that God grant me many more years to enjoy those memories and the ones to come.
Update: Over the months that I've been blogging I've met many people. Many of these people are not in the TAC arena I started blogging in. I haven't forgotten any of you TACky people, but I have enjoyed meeting the new people, esp. those who are closer to my age. As the months fly by, I hope to meet many more people and add them to my memories of life. Kitty
Having commented for several months on some of the blogs in this area, I’ve finally got a blogsite of my own. Before I was directed by a link to these blogs, I didn’t know that web logs existed. And certainly not in the numbers I’ve seen.
I find them fascinating. I’ve especially been held captive by all the comings and goings of many of you. It seemed over the summer that most of you were quite happy where you were and then in a matter of a few days, there were rumblings of movement. Many going back to school and others off to foreign lands. And then all of the weddings, perhaps the biggest step of all. I wish for all of you fond memories of these years, years that will quickly lead to the place where you will make a permanent home. I do enjoy and am amused by many of the writings. They remind me of my life some 30 odd years ago and memories I thought were forgotten are resurfacing. Most are pleasant reminders although there are a few I wish had remained buried. But, my gratefulness in still being able to remember moments I thought were forever gone overrules the need to rebury those few. Will that God grant me many more years to enjoy those memories and the ones to come.
Update: Over the months that I've been blogging I've met many people. Many of these people are not in the TAC arena I started blogging in. I haven't forgotten any of you TACky people, but I have enjoyed meeting the new people, esp. those who are closer to my age. As the months fly by, I hope to meet many more people and add them to my memories of life. Kitty
Thank you! I'm just trying to set it up and getting sort of confused. But I think I've got it now. K :)
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