Joke of the week!
A long, long, time ago, when I was 19 or 20, I went to a bar with an older friend. The guy at the door asked for my ID. I gave him my driver's license, which of course had my date of birth printed on it. He looked at it and said, "You have to be 21 to get in here." I replied, "That ID is a few years old." He looked at it again for a moment, then said, "Oh, OK" and let me in.
That's an awesome story. I would love to go back in time and try it just to view the look of confusion.
For some reason, this reminds me of a Mexican man who used to work at gas station near TAC. A friend of mine lost her driverse license, and when we walked to the counter to by smokes, she presented her passport. "What is?" asked the man. "A Passport". She replied. Confusion. "Un Passaporte" I said. Confusion. "It's a passport. You had to get one in order to enter our country, RIGHT?" Needless to say, two very dissapointed, slighty pissed off college students left that Santa Poco gas station smokeless.
I love it! I don't know who you are, but I like the comments you've been posting. When I was in NY my friends & I went to a bar & I wasn't 21 yet so I made nice with the bartender (wink wink nudge nudge). Well actually, it didn't come to that, but I would've if I had to. I actually non-chalantly handed him my real ID and waited like I was bored. I think I had to sit on my hands cuz they were shaking. Anyway, he looked, handed it back, & poured me a beer. My theory is, and I think it's as good as any, is that if you're willing to show an ID, you wouldn't be dumb enough to show one saying you're underage, right? And I know from my own booze-selling experience that you don't want to look like a moron searching for the "under 21 until," especially if you don't know the current date, nor would you want to be standing there doing the math in your head. That's what I've always counted on, and by gum, it doesn't always fail.
Geeez! Thanks, but now I feel guilty. This was just a joke that someone sent me. Not that I didn't do things like that back when I was that age, but this joke said it better.
Actually, I think I grew up in an age before they checked your ID's and if you acted cool like you said, you got your drink. We did cover our college parking permits when we went out on the town, because the Dean would drive around looking for cars with our College's permits, then you'd get called in for a 'talk'.
The "passaporte" is hilarious! There is a good chance that about a quarter of the people in the town I live in have no clue what one is, some of them crossed the river to get here and the others have never been anywhere but here.
God love ya! K:)
Thank you! Yes, many of my stories have been buried a long time and some of them will remain that way. K ;D
naaahhh. thats no fun, let's get EVERYTHING out in the open. if worse comes to worse, we can just avoid making personal contact with anyone remotely related to TAC. perhaps not. wanna know something ironic? my fake id that carried me from 18-21 was a "new mexico identification card." that's not ironic.
Well, let's tell your stories and I'll keep some of mine hidden. And I'm not surprised about your NM ID. This is the easiest state to get a fake ID. But now you're a big boy and have a real one, RIGHT?
Some of the hardest questions I've had to answer in my life have been from my kids like "What did you do when you were 17, 19 etc. Did you smoke (and was it just cigarettes)? Did you drink, party, and all that kind of stuff? I don't like to lie, but those are hard questions to answer. So what are you all going to tell your kids when they come home with fake ID's and ask you those kinds of questions? Cheers, K :)
I am going to lie about it. Then, when my youngest kid gets to about 22, the party is back on.
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